Getting a Marriage license in Illinois

Marriage is a beautiful union. The marriage rate in the state of Illinois is presently on the rise. Many couples who have grown to love each other are always very excited when the time comes for them to spend the rest of their lives together, and this is always a beautiful moment for the duo. These couples who have grown to love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together have thought about what the basic prerequisites that qualify them to get a marriage license is. Having this thought is a step in the right direction. This is because marriage licenses are not just handed over to couples without any requirements. Some basic steps that must be followed and some basic qualities that the law looks out for without which a marriage license may not be granted. And here are some of these.

Basic prerequisites to having a recognized marriage under the law of Illinois

1) the parties must be of eligible age:

Under the law of Illinois, only parties who are 18 years of age and above can be eligible parties to a marriage in other for such marriage to be recognized under the law. Where any party to the marriage is not up to the age requirement, such marriage cannot be contracted under the law guarding the state of Illinois, and any union between the parties would not be recognized as a legal bond between the parties. However, to this rule, there is an exception. The exception is that Intending couples below the age of 18 can only have a licensed marriage with parental consent. When there is no parental consent, no license would be issued to the couple.

2) the parties or couples intending to get married must not already be legally married to someone else.

The parties intending to get married must be single and not be legally married to someone else. Where a person or party to the intending Union already has been legally married to some other person, and such Union has not been dissolved, he or she cannot enter or form another legal marriage bond. When a party already has a legal bond and has not yet legally dissolved such prior union, where he forms another, such marriage would not be recognized under the law of Illinois. So, for an already married person to remarry, he or she must legally divorce the initial partner before he or she can get married to another.

3) the parties must not be blood relatives

Parties who intend to get married must not be blood relatives. This means that a brother and a sister cannot get married to each other under the law of Illinois. Also, Very close blood relatives, for example, first cousins, cannot get married to one another under the laws of Illinois. Except for first cousins who are above 50 years of age. Cousins who are above 50 years of age could be granted a marriage license. So, where the parties are blood-related, such marriage would not be issued a marriage license and where the parties go-ahead to have a marriage ceremony, such marriage will not be legally recognized.

4) couples must also appear together at any of the locations of vital records

The couples must appear together at any of the locations of vital records so that they can carry out their marriage registration process. Many couples start their registration process online in order to save energy and enjoy the luxury that comes with the comfort of one’s home. You can also start your process online by visiting U.S marriage laws. However, going to any one of the vital locations cannot be avoided. The intending couple would need to fill and sign the application, present proof of age, and submit other valid identification. After which they are to pay 60 dollars. This is the marriage license fee. After all the registration processes have been concluded, the couples would then be issued a marriage license. But there is a clause.

What is the clause attached to getting a marriage license?

 After a marriage license has been issued to the Couple, the couple cannot get married on the same day. The couples have to wait for one day to elapse before they can get married.

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